Review: Home #3 (Image Comics)

Writer: Julio Anta
Artist: Anna Wieszczyk
Colourist: Bryan Valenza
Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
On Sale: 16th June 2021

After discovering his powers and escaping the immigration detention camps Juan is now settled with his Aunt who just might be the perfect person to help him learn how to use his powers.


As Juan and Gladys go out to a national park to practice Juan’s abilities they accidentally tip off the exact people they are trying to hide from.

This issue felt a little slow in delivery but it did progress the story in an important way. Julio Anta uses issue #3 to lay out the back story surrounding Juan’s powers and his heritage while also catching us up with Mercedes’ journey back to Guatemala and the law enforcement on the hunt for Juan. With all this being ticked off I’m optimistic the solid foundations have been laid for the next couple of action pack issues.


Without a lot happening in this issue its letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou who deserves a lot of credit for filling a very dialogue heavy issue with well placed words.

That being said there are a few pages drawn by Anna Wieszczyk and coloured by Bryan Valenza which really sparkle. Towards the middle of the issue Juan is talking to his mother Mercedes on the phone and across a two page splash they are surrounded by an almost cosmic setting with stars and glittering designs.


Home continues to be a story about morality and optimism told through a real to life difficult situation faced by millions of people a year. Through the character Juan we see how hard life can be through innocent eyes and someone who just so happens to have super powers. It’s this twist which gives the story a its spark of excitement and this issue had glimmers of origin stories like Spiderman and even young Superman.

I read this via an advance preview copy issued by Image comics and received no incentive to review this comic. All images and artwork are courtesy of Image comics and their respective owners.

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